Workshop for CDTs and DTPs
How to improve support for menstrual health in multi-institutional doctoral programmes
Date: 12th February 2024 13:00-15:00
CDTs (Centres for Doctoral Training) and DTPs (Doctoral Training Programmes) present unique challenges in trying to change the culture on equality, diversity and inclusion issues, due to their multi-institutional nature. These doctoral programmes are funded by UKRI, who are funding the EDI Caucus to create inclusive careers across the research and innovation sector. One of the workstreams of EDICa is on menstrual health – including periods/menstruation, various gynaecological conditions and (peri)menopause. Our research shows that a lack of support and accommodations in relation to menstrual health is a factor in women leaving research & innovation careers. We are hosting a workshop on 12 February from 13:00-15:00 to discuss good practice and ways that doctoral programmes can better support menstrual health within their remit and scope. We encourage participation from supervisors, principal investigators, CDT leaders and managers, and postgraduate researchers/PhD students. Lived experience is not expected to be shared; EDICa has conducted more than 55 interviews and a survey of more than 800 in academia to gather that lived experience to bring to the discussion.
To find out more about our menstrual health study, click here.
Let us know as soon as possible if you wish to attend and require a BSL interpreter or speech to text.
Sed enim odio fames pretium cum viverra nibh egestas. Sagittis, tempor a mattis lectus. Mattis blandit neque dui pharetra senectus consequat et tempus viverra. Sed laoreet sed augue facilisis venenatis ut. Et felis convallis condimentum bibendum eget natoque sem. Felis, pretium morbi rutrum a donec.
- Viverra nibh egestas. Sagittis, tempor a mattis lectus.
- Mattis blandit neque dui pharetra senectus consequat et tempus viverra.
- Sed laoreet sed augue facilisis venenatis ut.
Et felis convallis condimentum bibendum eget natoque sem. - Felis, pretium morbi rutrum a donec.
Managing Menstrual Health
Read our recommendations for improving support for menstrual health in research and innovation careers.
Check out EDICa’s resources
EDICa hosts a regular blog and seminars, as well as collecting a library of resources of equality, diversity & inclusion practices in research & innovation.
Seminar on Mental health in the research & innovation ecosystem: understanding the lived experiences of women
Two projects, one of which is an EDICa Flexible Fund project, share findings on mental health and the lived experiences of women.
19 February 12:30-14:00 online
Symposium: Mitigating the Effects of Covid-19
EDICa’s Flexible Fund round 1 projects focusing on mitigating the impact of Covid-19 on research & innovation careers will present their findings.
12 March 13:30-15:30 online
Virtual Reality Co-Design Workshops
EDICa hosts online workshops to co-design virtual reality scenarios and training on how to make workplaces enabling. 21, 22, 23 January