Take part

EDICa puts co-design at the heart of its process. Our ethos is be ‘nothing about us, without us’, a common call to action from disability activists. But this means we need everyone in the research & innovation sector to engage with us. Those who are in the majority as well those in the minority. Those who are in management as well as those just starting out. Those who are active in the equality, diversity and inclusion space, and those who wouldn’t even know where to start.

Menstrual Health study

Poster showing EDICa logo and a sideways red tulip graphic. Subtext "Studying menstrual health in the workplace"

Could your department or institution pilot ways of making research & innovation workplaces to be more supportive on menstrual health issues? We co-design in a workshop what changes and interventions would be practical for a particular site. Email us for an exploratory discussion – edicaucus@hw.ac.uk

Poster with illustration of person in wheelchair in a funk, person using a standing desk working, woman and small person pointing at scientific things like a double helix and a cell. Call for Participants - Equality, diversity and inclusion after Covid-19: Designing enabling workspaces. Do you currently, or have you ever, worked in the UK's research and innovation ecosystem? We're conducting online focus groups & interviews aimed at informing the creation of more-inclusive, better-enabling workspaces. Researchers, innovators, technicians, educators, administrators, managers. Small or large organisations. Private or public, higher ed.  Focus Group themes are age diversity in the workplace; gender inclusivity; support for mental health/wellbeing; safety & health measures in the workplace. To sign up click on the link or scan QR code on the right.

Following our nationwide survey on Covid-19’s impact on research & innovation careers, we are recruiting for a series of focus groups and interviews discussing ways that workspaces can be made more inclusive. For more information visit our webpage https://edicaucus.ac.uk/covid-study/

Keep an eye on our Twitter page and LinkedIn page for calls to participate in surveys, focus groups and interviews. Help us out by boosting and sharing to your networks.  Join our mailing list to receive bimonthly newsletters giving you updates on our research and signposting to current research in this space. You will also receive announcements of webinars and our seminar series; and information on calls for flexible funding and to participate in studies.