EDICa Stakeholder Engagement Groups

In the autumn of 2023 the EDI Caucus sought expressions of interest from a diverse range of stakeholder representatives to work with the EDICa team to address the key challenges facing the Research & Innovation system.

We looked for a mix of two types of people:

  • those from any discipline and role, who have one or more EDI characteristics – those with lived experience of people working in all parts of the Research & Innovation ecosystem.
  • those who represented the experience and views from our main stakeholders – including but not limited to universities, research funders, trade unions, policy-makers, publishers, learned societies, professional bodies, public and private sector Research & Development organisations, public sector researchers (e.g. NHS, local & national governments, government departments and “quangos”), end users, advocacy groups, and funded networks.

We identified a group of 30 people to form a community of practice meeting quarterly online to discuss and feed back on the progress in EDICa’s three workstreams (click here to view) and shape future planning.

We thank everyone who expressed willingness to engage with us on this work.