Delphi Study
This 40-page report shares the key issues relating to EDI in the UK’s R&I ecosystem that EDICa should regard as core themes for research during the Caucus.
Published : 26/11/2024
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From the inception of the EDI Caucus, the notion of co-design and cocreation with stakeholders, experts, and, most crucially, the individuals and groups most impacted by the complex issues around equity, diversity, and inclusion, has been of paramount importance to the overarching principles guiding our work. The initial priority for the Caucus was to conduct a Delphi Study with experts from across the Research and Innovation (R&I) ecosystem in order to identify the key priorities (areas and topics) which the Caucus should place at the heart of its research. Here you can read our report on the methodology, the evidence review findings, and the recommendations.
Executive Summary
The current study set out to establish the key issues relating to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in the UK’s Research and Innovation (R&I) ecosystem that the EDI Caucus (the Caucus; EDICa) should regard as the core themes for the research to be conducted during the Caucus’ planned 3-year engagements.
The recommendations presented in the report are a result of a 3-round Delphi Study in which the participants were experts in EDI in the UK. The Delphi method was chosen as the research tool because it works well with co-design and co-creation principles, which, themselves, are core values of the Caucus.
Included in the report are evidence reviews supporting the choice of the Delphi Method, and reviews by each of the three Caucus workstreams that sought to identify themes that presented as issues within EDI in the R&I ecosystem. The Delphi Study was an iterative study conducted over six months, and the evidence emerging during the various rounds was continuously discussed by the EDICa team, and considered when developing research designs for the wider Caucus research activities.
During the first round of the study, we presented a broad set of questions that asked participants what they saw as key EDI issues in the current workplace. After these responses were analysed, several dominant themes emerged, and these were used as the basis for the questions posed in the second round of the study. This gave respondents the opportunity to elaborate on their thoughts about the emergent themes. Rounds one and two were anonymous, and participants, although able to see their fellow participants responses, did not know who had made specific comments. The final round, however, was a face-to-face discussion among the available participants where the key emergent themes were discussed openly, allowing those in attendance to develop the discussion around their own particular concerns.
The aim of the Delphi process is to arrive at an agreement or consensus that answers the primary research question. In this case, the question was, ‘What are the key priorities for creating an inclusive and equitable culture across the R&I ecosystem?’ This report is based on our participants responses to this prompt, and concludes with a summary of recommendations that are a distillation of the issues raised across the Study.
Other resources
EDICa hosts a regular blog and seminars, as well as collecting a library of resources of equality, diversity & inclusion practices in research & innovation.

Seminar on Mental health in the research & innovation ecosystem: understanding the lived experiences of women
Two projects, one of which is an EDICa Flexible Fund project, share findings on mental health and the lived experiences of women.
19 February 12:30-14:00 online

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Report on “Recommendations for improving support for researchers
managing menstrual health”

Video: What barriers are faced by neurodivergent researchers?
Date: 3rd July 2022
Short 3-min information vide on what barriers neurodivergent researchers face.